In Macedonia tomorrow you have almost 50/50 chance that you will voluntarily accept a job which partially or completely avoids social contribution and other tax payments.

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Теоретски, и ако сите други фактори се еднакви, ако утре по случаен избор пристапиш на пазарот на труд во Македонија имаш скоро 50/50 шанси доброволно да прифатиш работа за која делумно или целосно не се плаќаат придонеси и други даноци. Потенцирам „доброволно“.

Theoretically and if everything else is held equal, if you randomly enter the labor market in Macedonia tomorrow you have almost 50/50 chance that you will voluntarily accept a job which partially or completely avoids social contribution and other tax payments. I am stressing on ‘Voluntarily.’

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