Educate to Prevent (E2P)

Educate to Prevent (E2P) – Strengthening Front-line School Workers and Parents to Build Youth Resilience to Violent Extremism

From March 2017 a consortium led by CRPM started implementing the E2P project financed by the EU through the STRIVE program implemented by Hedayah Centre of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism. The overall objective of the project is to develop community resilience to radicalization and violent extremism. The overall objective should be fulfilled by completion of the following specific objectives: Have baseline information and knowing the training needs; Enabling front line school workers, parents and municipal officials to recognize early signs of radicalization; Strengthening municipalities capacities to establish an “early warning system” of radicalisation’; and Advocating for institutionalization of the system for early detection in cases of radicalization.