Open CRPM at the Government Partnership (OGP), Global Summit 2016, Paris 7-9.12

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На Глобалниот самит за отворена влада во Париз за време на денот посветен на граѓанското општество беше презентирана студијата Отворени податоци за квалитет на воздух и нивното влијание на граѓански активизам во Македонија.

Five years and nearly 2500 individual open government reforms later, it’s high time to see whether OGP has had a positive impact in people’s lives around the world. To that end, seven case studies were commissioned to evaluate individual commitments around the world – and the results are in. Learn how opening up data on air quality has acted in Macedonia as an engine for civic activism and about short and medium-term policy options being implemented and explored by the relevant authorities as a result…


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